Tuesday, September 26, 2023

2 Hour Speed Paint

Every year I plan on painting the Dark Elf Sorceress from Games Workshop. Most years I fail. Most years I just forget about it and move on. Having said that it seems that every 5 years I actually sit down and do it. 

Here are the 3 attempts that I have done. 




I don't think that I have improved that much but that lines up with my slump in painting. The challenge is to see what can be achieved in 2 hours. I think this is a great test of your skills and what can be achieved in a strict time frame. As you can see in the 2018 and 2023 pictures I have done more work on the face and skin than in the original from 2015 but the one from 2015 is finished unlike the other 2. 

Anyways just sharing this idea. Maybe give it a go and see how your paint style changes or improves over time. 


Friday, September 22, 2023

Tackling the Grey: Part 1 - The Setup

Hello there,

My name is Ryan and do I have a problem! I have a pile of miniatures that is wearing on my mental health. As I sit in my hobby room playing far too many video games the sealed boxes of Warhammer stare down upon me like the Sword of Damocles.

I have found probably like many I either rush for an event and I am unhappy with my paintjobs or I just don't start, buy more and then get more demotivated that I haven't accomplished anything.

This ends this week. 

I plan on painting everything I have sitting in boxes (even a couple of "legal armies) but rather than trying to paint all of one army and getting bored and giving up I am turning my decision making to the Wheel of Indicision. This is a randomizer that I have set up to select what I will build and paint in roughly a week. (If I complete the project early I will spin the wheel). 

Currently the wheel has the following on it:

Maggotkin of Nurgle (This is weighted higher than the rest as in 8 months I have a tournament that I want to take them to)
Soulblight Gravelords
Orruk Warclans - Ironjawz
Bloodbowl 7 s teams
Leagues of Votann

You will see that I have nearly 100 boxes on here and this is a testament to how out control this pile has become.

The project will start on 9/24 and the first thing off the list is:

I hope you can join me on my journey as I build and paint through this backlog. 
Tune in next week to see If I achieved my goal and what comes next week!
